Fixing KRACK with IGEL: Simple, Smart, Secure
A couple of days ago IGEL released security fixes for the KRACK Wi-Fi vulnerability for its IGEL OS and Windows products. As usual we have reacted fast and made out-of-band releases in order to protect our customers.
A Smart Way Of Rolling Out Fixes
However, having fixed software packages and firmware images available is only half of the battle: You need to get the fixes out to the thousands of devices running in your organisation. And here, IGEL has you covered too. Universal Management Suite is our central administration hub that makes it easy for you to download security updates and deploy them to any number of endpoints. These may be Linux- or Windows-based, IGEL devices or converted 3rd-party-hardware, and with IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) you even reach those in the home office or on the road. Our pen-drive sized endpoint UD Pocket gets its updates, too!
UMS makes downloading and distributing firmware updates easy.
Fast Fixes And Regular Releases
With out-of-band updates for important security issues IGEL comes to your rescue when there is imminent danger to your endpoints. We do this on top of our regular updates that fix bugs, make improvements or even add new features. These are released roughly every 12 weeks. Subscribe to our Technical Newsletter at the bottom of this page to learn about IGEL firmware and software releases directly from us.