United by one Goal – IGEL runs for Charity
Two guys, one idea. Doesn’t this sound like trouble!? Au contraire, ladies and gentlemen. On 1st January 2020 two passionate IGEL employees and runners decided to go for something big. But first, let us have a look at those great minds.
In the Swedish corner please welcome, Fredrik Brattstig, EMEA Technology Evangelist at IGEL aka “VirtualBrat” and passionate runner.
In the German corner we have Timo Siedenberg, IGEL’s VP Advanced Services & Support EMEA, one time triathlon finisher (“Novice” distance) and always ready to put on the running shoes.
The person to run the most kilometers in one year wins. To make it a bit more interesting, a minimum distance of 1,200km (745 miles) was agreed on, and by end of 2020 Fredrik finished at approximately 1,600km (994 miles) and Timo at 1,500km (932 miles). Besides a positive impact on their health, it was a fun activity and a nice way to socialize, especially during challenging COVID times.
Shortly before ending the first competition, for 2021 Fredrik and Timo decided to open the challenge to the company and motivated almost 90 IGEL employees to run with them. Same rules, same goals, and to date, eight runners crushed the 1,200km and received their hard-earned IGEL sports jacket.
Those of you who know the two initiators are not surprised that this is not the whole story. They included IGEL Management into the conversation and ended with the agreement, that IGEL is donating 0,10€ to a Non-Government Organisation for every kilometer ran by the participants.
IGEL, and especially the runners are proud to announce, that almost 3,000€ will be donated to Save The Children in January 2022.
As the challenge was so well accepted, the decision was made to open the group to partners and customers in 2022, following the principal of the “4 Cs”:
We Challenge each other in a Competition for Charity. This makes us Champions!
If you like to know more, please visit https://www.igel.com/igelruns and accept the challenge!