the Secure
to the Cloud
and Beyond

The IGEL COSMOS Platform Includes the Latest Innovation from IGEL, that Combines

The Latest Endpoint Operating System IGEL OS 12 and IGEL OS 11

A New IGEL Universal Management Platform – UMS 12

Several Value-Added Cloud Services that Enhance and Optimize the User Experience for Both IT Staff and End-Users.
Today’s hybrid computing world has employees, devices, cloud providers, and applications more diverse and distributed than ever before, accelerating demand for secure workspace access.
IGEL COSMOS secure endpoint platform simplifies and secures the delivery of digital workspaces to access any cloud while reducing costs. The platform offers IT flexibility to control, manage and secure remote endpoints quickly and easily. End users enjoy a modern, seamless experience on their device of choice with the apps, information, and tools they rely on to have a productive day from anywhere
IGEL COSMOS unifies a secure operating system, a range of value-added cloud services and applications, and a user-friendly management platform, making it easier than ever for organizations to harness the full power of cloud-delivered workspaces in any combination of
on-premises, VDI, DaaS, or SaaS resources from any endpoint device.


Secure Platform
- Prevent to protect
- Modular, read-only OS
- Single port management
- Authentication
- Data protection

Limitless Flexibility
- VDI, DaaS, or Saas
- IGEL OS 11 and OS 12
- Create, install apps
- Any endpoint device
- Ready for cloud

Customized Delivery
- Set profiles, policies per use case
- Apps for every user
- Automate backend updates
- Access to information, tools

Modern Experience
- Easy and quick onboarding
- Single sign-on
- Install apps on demand
- Backend updates
- No interruption to end-user
- Relieve IT burden

Cost Savings
- Optimize IT resources
- Use devices for longer
- Easy updates, security patches
- Less IT support cases
- Reduce energy use